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The Festival 2017

When Festival 2017 was created, our distillery manager Roger Melander chose a different path. Festival visitors were invited into the creation. At a special test during the festival, the participants got to vote and the result led to one of the most appreciated festival releases ever.

The Festival 2017 is the fourth edition in the series. The recipe for this year’s festival sales was thus chosen on one of the tastings at the 2017 festival. The guests blindly tasted the 2014, 2015, 2016 Festival editions and two candidates for the 2017 year festival releases. Both of the new contenders were matured solely in new American oak. One recipe was completely untouched and the other was a mixture of peated and unpeated whisky. The vote was very close, but the choice fell on the unpeated recipe.

Both an award-winning and a much-loved edition that confirms the love between our distillate and the American oak. The Festival 2017 was named best Swedish whisky at the World Whisky Awards in London.